default apps 2023


As inspired by and

I’m mostly invested in the Apple ecosystem since I trust them more with my privacy than many other apps (well okay, balancing privacy with convenience/reliability since I have no trust in my ability to sustain an OwnCloud).

📨 Mail Client: Gmail

📮 Mail Server: Google

📝 Notes: Mostly transitioned to, but still fallback to Apple Notes for personal scratchpad and sharing with partner

✅ To-Do:

📷 Photo Shooting: iPhone 14.

🎨 Photo Editing: Capture One.

📆 Calendar: Google Calendar.

📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud.

📖 RSS: NetNewsWire

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: macOS Contacts

🌐 Browser: Desktop: Firefox. iOS: Safari, given how limited Apple lets 3rd party browsers be.

💬 Chat: Slack, Messages

🔖 Bookmarks: Firefox and embedded TODOs in

📜 Word Processing: Rarely: Pages. If I need a shared one, Google Docs.

📈 Spreadsheets: Rarely: Numbers. If I need a shared one, Google Sheets.

📊 Presentations: Keynote.

🛒 Shopping Lists: MealLime.

🍴 Meal Planning: Apple Notes or MealLime.

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Nothing consistent daily but for long-term planning Google Sheets.

📰 News: Loosely in order: Reddit, NYT, Mastodon, Economist, Apple News, RSS… I too much news

🎵 Music: Apple Music

🎤 Podcasts: Overcast

🔐 Password Management: 1Password

🧑‍💻 Code Editor: VS Codium for projects, vim for single files.

✈️ VPN: I use [Mozilla VPN](]( not because of any particular feature qualities but because I find it the most sustainable way to support continued Mozilla development with a monthly contribution tied to a personal benefit: “Powered by Mozilla. Fighting for your right to privacy since 1998.”

Bonus entries

🧑‍💻 Clipboard Manager: Clipy.

🧑‍💻 Search/Spotlight replacement: Raycast

🧑‍💻 Window Manager: Got sick of Raycast’s lack of multi-monitor support and back to Moom

🧑‍💻 Docker: Orbstack